.NETvs Node.js performance

Node.js is a server-side scripting language which runs at server side, inventor of Node.js. It is open source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment which is capable to Execute JavaScript code at server side earlier JavaScript was used at client side validation only With node.js it is playing its role from both side front end and backend.

How it works?

The main idea of Node.js: use non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Why and When to use Node.js?

  • js uses a single threaded model with event looping. This type of event mechanism benefits the server to respond in a non-blocking way. Is built on V8 JavaScript Engine makes it fastest code execution library.
  • js offers greater performance and speed.
  • There is no buffering in Node.js as applications output the data in pieces.
  • As Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime it helps to develop building scalable network applications.
  • It is an ideal solution for developing messaging or chatting applications.
  • It is also useful for developing heavy-load applications and e-commerce sites that depend on the speed of processing.
NPM – Node Package Manager
  • When discussing Node.js, one thing that definitely should not be omitted is built-in support for package management using NPM, a tool that comes by default with every Node.js installation.
  • The idea of NPM modules is a set of publicly available, reusable components, available through easy installation via an online repository, with version and dependency management.

Some of the most useful npm modules today are:

  • js – or simply Express—a Sinatra-inspired web development framework for Node.js, and the de-facto standard for the majority of Node.js applications out there today.
  • connect – Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for Node.js, providing a collection of high performance “plugins” known as middleware; serves as a base foundation for Express.
  • io and sockjs – Server-side component of the two most common web sockets components out there today.
  • mongodb and mongojs – MongoDB wrappers to provide the API for MongoDB object databases in Node.js.
  • lodash (underscore, lazy.js) – The JavaScript utility belt. Underscore initiated the game, but got overthrown by one of its two counterparts, mainly due to better performance and modular implementation.
  • bluebird – A full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
  • moment – A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
  • CHAT

Difference between Node.js and Asp.net

DefinitionOpen Source Web Application framework developed by Microsoft.Open Source, Cross platform JavaScript run-time environment that execute JavaScript code server-side
UsageCan be used to a new generation website by using web forms Html 5, JavaScript, CSSServer-side scripting language
BenefitsAsp.net is very easy to learn compared to other programming languages, Development of Website using Asp.net is very easy.Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment. It uses an asynchronous event-driven model and is designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Thus, Node.js gets excellent performance based on the architectures of many Internet applications
Real Time UsageMany websites exist in today world which had been developed in Asp.net.Maintenance and Handling of large volumes of customer data

Basic Flow Traditional vs. Node.js

Basic Flow Traditional
Basic Flow Node.js
  • js vs Asp.net Core both have its own advantages and disadvantages we can use as per our project requirement
  • As we saw that performance of node.js is better to compare to asp.net also notice that bug fixing and maintenances is easy in case of asp.net
  • Code readability is easy in case of asp.net so we can easily learn within less time can do development if we are new to both Node.js vs Asp.net languages.
  • On the other side if we want better performance in case of multi-threaded application we should use node.js.
  • So as per the project requirement, we can choose the language.


Mr. Vaibhav Shah